Welcome to Talabatey's web

Conduction With My Orders, order anything in your mind from all restaurants in Iraq, and your order will come to you quickly to any place you want.

The best Iraqi food will bring you to the door of your house, Gozi, grills, biryani, dolma, grilled chicken, and Western dishes such as hamburger with Iraqi meat, types of brides, scallops and pizza. Order it online now and it will bring you hot from the oven

when we arrive? 99% of our requests take an hour to reach you but also depends on the country. also the payment is cash when the delivery man arrive

And because you are expensive on us, and you have to apply my requests, the wallet feature is the wallet inside the app, you will get a balance that comes to you as a gift from my requests on holidays and events, and when winning contests or a discount, it will return you upon request or when sharing the application with friends, when sharing the application with a relative or friend and This person makes the request and an amount will be added